What Happens After Divorce Papers Are Signed?

Being in a longstanding relationship with your partner can seem like a never-ending journey of happiness. There are tons of challenges to undertake, which, if successful, can bolster your connection. When it comes time to take that inevitable leap of faith, getting married becomes a viable path forward.

However, sometimes, marriages don’t always pan out the way that the two of you intended it to. As such, a separation may be on the horizon, which culminates in a legal divorce. Although this can be a rather stressful time, looking ahead should still be prioritized.

Here is what happens after your divorce papers are signed:

1. Obtaining The Decree

Divorce, as mentioned previously, can be a serious pain on not just your life, but your partner as well. This is only compounded if there are children involved; young kids may react negatively to this separation. When all is said and done, however, all parties will have to move on with their lives.

The first step in the post-divorce process is obtaining copies of the right documents. Your family lawyer will prepare you the divorce decree, which is a legal document that formalizes the divorce. Although there may be other important pieces of information to collect, this one has several guidelines to follow.

2. Following The Decree

After the divorce papers are signed, it’s important that you must follow the decree. The divorce decree stands above other pertinent documents following the divorce. That is because it contains information that needs to be acknowledged, and followed. First and foremost, the judge’s orders are included within the decree. Your legal representation should offer clarification on this, if need be.

In addition, there may be certain actions that need to be completed on your end in a specified time. If this is the case, make sure you get them done, or you may risk penalties of various magnitudes. It is in your best interest to stay organized, so that you know what exactly is required from the decree.

3. Divorce Orders

Once the decree has been acknowledged, the details contained inside will order each party to do something. These are known as divorce orders, which can come in a variety of formats. The judge bases the orders on specific factors pertaining to the divorce. Some are more meticulous than others, but all are generally important to follow up on at some point.

4. Child Support Payments

One of the first, and most common, types of divorce orders has to do with child support. As mentioned previously, children can be very inconvenienced by the divorce proceedings. After the divorce has been finalized, one partner will have custody of the children. Or, there may be shared custody altogether.

Whatever the case may be, a judge will order one of the partners to pay child support. The amount of these payments can be decided on a number of factors, such as income. Legally, these payments must be made on time, according to their due date. Missing them means that the respective parent risks severe penalties.

5. Assets

The other, most common type of divorce order is based on assets that have been shared by the partners. When a divorce is finalized, the judge will take a look at all assets that have to do with each party. The ownership is divided up between the two, and usually transferred equally in a monetary amount.

Or, the judge may order the asset to be given to one party in full. Depending on how the previous proceedings go, this is ultimately up to the judge to decide. Assets, such as a home or a car, are the most common types of belongings to be put into play within the court.

6. Altering The Agreement

Although the judge’s orders are generally considered to be final, they are not absolute. If you, or your ex, chooses to alter the terms of the orders, they can legally challenge them. This will require the presence of the lawyers, in order to determine what can be changed.

7. Appeals

You can also file an appeal, if you believe that the judge has been unfair in their judgment. If the appeal has been granted, the divorce decree, or divorce orders, can be changed. However, it is a time-consuming process to undertake.

8. Thinking Ahead

After everything has been settled, you’ll now have to think about the road ahead. It isn’t easy, and will require time to focus your efforts for the future. Ensure that you give yourself some time to relax; divorces can be messy after all.

Even though it might seem like all has ended, getting divorced doesn’t mean that your life has been completely upended. As long as you follow the judge’s orders, you should be more than fine in the weeks and months to come!

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