5 Ways to Protect Your Roof Against Wind Damage

When a storm lands in your area, your roof is the first one to take the hit. Roofs are especially vulnerable since they’re exposed to the elements and many homeowners barely do any roof maintenance. That’s why many things could go wrong when strong winds blow up and the next you know, your roof shingles have come loose and there’s a hole in your roof. For this reason, it’s a priority to contact roofers Toronto when a storm or strong gale approaches.

Thanks to advances in the meteorological technology, storms can be predicted with high accuracy which gives you, as a homeowner, plenty of time to inspect your roof and make sure it’s in good condition. Follow these simple steps and you won’t have to worry about any storm, no matter how strong.

1- Nail Those Shingles
If you have loose roof shingles, as they’re apt to do after some time, you need to make them secure. Loose nails tend to rust and the edges of the shingles come off. Use a hammer to secure those nails and caulk those edges. Roofing professionals also recommend doing regular roof maintenance to check shingles, gutters and flashes. For extra protection you might want to install waterproof layers under the shingles.

2- Remove Trees Near Roof
If you have trees in your property you would need to check if they create a risk to your roof. Any hanging branches over or near the roof can become dangerous projectiles in a strong wind. Fallen trees and tree branches can cause serious damage to any roof and expose you to rain and wind. Also a branch dancing wildly in the wind can knock off your shingles, gutters or vents. So to be on the safe side, consider trimming or removing trees away from your roof.

3- Secure Metal Roofing
Roofers Toronto usually pay extra attention to metal roofing. They play an important part in keeping the roof sturdy. You can either use bolts and screws (called exposed fasteners), or you could use concealed clips to secure metal roofing. As long as you keep the roof secure, wind cannot cause you any damage.

4- Check Roof On Outside
This basic step should be done regularly whether there’s a storm coming or not. Roofs just like every other part of your house tend to rust, become loose, clogged and shaky. Roofers advise to inspect the vents, drains, flashers, and gutters. If you find anything coming loose or unfastened get to it right away before it turns into a major problem. Clear any blocked drains and gutters and remove any fallen branches or debris on the roof. In a storm anything loose can become a flying object can damage your property or that of your neighbors.

5- Inspect Roof From The Inside
When done with checking and fixing the roof on the outside, you can now check it from the attic. Roofing contractors recommend using protective gear like goggles and gloves to avoid any injuries. What you’re looking for here is to check whether the roof sheathing is secure. If it’s not use a hammer and nails to fasten it to the truss bracing.

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