4 Video Production Tips for Beginners

Did you know that most people now spend more time watching videos than reading or viewing images? In 2016, video content accounted for over 70% of online traffic. There are many reasons why most people prefer consuming videos as compared to other types of content.

First, it is much easier to watch a video about a particular concept than reading a text. Some studies have shown that it is the most versatile medium for conveying a message and engaging an audience.

The figures are indications that there’s a lot of potential for companies that specialize in video production services. Here are video production tips for beginners:
Planning Your Shoot

Whether you intend to shoot a music video, advert, or short film, planning is crucial. If you would want to do it professionally, create a storyboard and illustrate the scenes in sequence. By doing so, you will pre-visualize the final footage.

This will be a guide for you when shooting videos and editing them. It will also guide you when determining the ideal time for shooting, the best venues, and the best cameras for the work before you start filming.

1. Choose the Shoot Location Wisely

Before you start the work, ensure the scene of the shooting is ideal for recording visual and audio content. For example, you need to find out whether your equipment is picking echo when filming. Although you can do audio editing post-production to get rid of such issues, it may be a nightmare for you.

Ensure you align the aesthetics of the shoot location with the desired looks of your final product. For instance, if you decide to shoot a film with a story in the 60s but in a modern setting, your video will look unprofessional.

2. You Should Have Good Lighting

One of the secrets for producing high-quality videos is using the ideal lighting for your storytelling. Try to be intentional about the lighting during the conceptualization stage. Identify the types of lights you need and the best location for placing them. If you intend to use existing lights, think about making it work for different scenes.

3. The Background Should Be Simple

You wouldn’t want to film anywhere. Ensure you use a simple background. If you don’t have the desired background, you can get rid of the clutter to improve it. Many professionals prefer using solid-coloured backgrounds. For example, you can use a backdrop paper. Focus on minimizing the elements that may make a scene look cluttered.

4. Shoot Steady Video

One of the best solutions for producing a steady video is using a tripod. However, avoid depending on it. Ensure your body is in a position that can prevent the breath from causing unwanted camera motions. Without a tripod, you will have more freedom to move around different scenes easily. You may be able to gain additional insights at AW Media.

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