4 Tips for Easy Family Moving

Moving can be a daunting task; well, not unless you are a minimalist it is one of those household tasks we all hate and it can be overwhelming. It doesn’t have to; you can effectively plan the move by involving a professional moving service to help you get through the mammoth task unscathed. Here are four tips to help you keep the chaos at bay during this process.

1. Pack your household items early

Moving is more like planning a holiday trip. You cannot afford to pack everything haphazardly; chances are you will have about 30-60 days to move. Notify your moving company early and get organized early enough. You can itemize your household items, and create a list of tasks you ought to accomplish week by week.

2. Communicate effectively the number of things you have

Your movers should have a rough idea of the amount of luggage you have. Boxes are fine, but when you get to the heavy stuff such as furniture and garage items, your movers should know exactly what to expect. It is important so that the moving company can have a rough estimate of total move time and the cost of moving you. The communication you convey regards the number of overweight items, narrow stairs, and driveways among others. With the information they can know what equipment to bring, the number of people to put on duty and such logistical details.

3. Take inventory

You do not want to have missing items or unmoved boxes. If you are using a moving company especially, maintain a list of all the items in every box, then label the box with an appropriate labeling system that is sequential and easy to track. You can even include box numbers and perhaps the room. When offloading, crosscheck from your list that everything has been moved. It will help eliminate chaos and ease the mover’s work. For more information, there are additional resources available at Hudson Movers.

4. Get the right transportation

If you are moving just close by then, you are fine with making few round trips. However, if you are moving from one location to another, then you need just the right of size truck to ferry your belongings in a single trip. You can have a representative from the moving company to visit ahead help assess the number of items you have and advise you on the size of truck you need. However, you can also make the same determination for yourself. If for instance, you live in a bachelor or one bedroom apartment; then a 16’ cube truck would be ideal for you. Two to three bedroom items then a 24’-26’ cube truck. However, if you are not sure with your estimates, get a professional mover to give his professional opinion.


Moving is hard, but you can enjoy the process with these few tips. Your moving service crew should have all the minor details beforehand to inform them to facilitate adequate planning.

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