The home-based web hosting business is gradually becoming popular by the day where you can work from the confinements of your home. Other people may not think that this is a realistic idea or business even, but other people have managed to garner thousands of dollars by merely reselling their hosting packages. Packages of some of the top managed hosting companies and firms like FatCow, HostGator, JustHost, etc. and many more of the sort.
Two things you need to focus on here; the first one being the promotion and marketing of your new start-up business. Ensure you attract more customers with these methods.
The second is to choose the right types of reseller hosting plans which anyone can easily use to seamlessly set-up new hosting businesses without needing any technical skills.
If you get lucky and get a lot of back-to-back clients, then you stand a chance of making a lot of money with the web hosting business. That being said, the moment you get into this business, you will soon realize just how competitive it is and how the earlier big dogs have already conquered and held on to the larger shares. This alone makes it really difficult for any of the smaller or newer firms to establish or even survive in the market. Then comes the main part of the whole business; attracting natural traffic. You may soon realize that your ROI doesn’t is quite low or even on the negative ends. Here are some guiding factors you can give a try and see how the whole process goes. Hopefully, it will work for you.
1. Sell and buy websites from e-auctions
You don’t need to lose hope where there are still enough ways you can explore to ensure you get the job done. Buying and selling websites on many different website auctions can do the trick for you. You can opt for free hosting services for one month, six months, or even a year on every website that you sell online. This is one way of having your listings stand out, generate more profits, and attract higher bids. Customers who are looking to renew their hosting plans will also think to look up your sites too after their free hosting package periods are over.
2. Become a reseller
You may not know a single thing about web hosting but the reseller hosting programs can help you kick-start your own hosting business. All you need to do is purchase hosting packages at their wholesale prices and then market them at even higher prices. It works pretty similarly as with any other business out there. This way, you put more focus on the marketing front.
3. Leverage the benefits of WordPress
So, you already know that WordPress is a free and easy-to-use platform where you can make simple and simple blog hosting websites. You can even generate revenue and promote your service by adding your personal links to your free blogs which you have created for people as you also sell upgraded packages to your customers who still have free accounts.
4. You don’t have to be a great designer
You can still manage to create your own websites and sell them to your hosting plans by using the private label programs. You don’t necessarily need to have any web designing skills to make money in this business,
5. Keep a healthy mix of quality services in your portfolio
You find that most newbies in this business go wrong here. Remember, it isn’t just about reselling your shared hosting packages. And customers will always think something is fishy if you only have one sold hosting package. And will figure you out to be a reseller soon after. There’s nothing wrong with this, only that customers always want to buy from the main company instead rather than go through an affiliate or reseller.