Lower back pain is extremely common. Many people constantly put pressure on their lower back as they stand and lean, sit and lean, and support their weight. Lower back pain is present when we overwork this area or when it’s weakened. The best way to resolve back pain is to strengthen the muscles and work on posture.
In addition, you should treat lower back pain with physiotherapy appointments. Physiotherapy exercises can help you gain strength and control over a difficult issue. Here are ten physiotherapy exercises for lower back pain that
Physiotherapy Exercise #1: Cobra Stretch
You may have seen this done in yoga. A cobra stretch starts with you lying down on your stomach. Next, put your hands on each side of your chest. Push up your upper body while keeping your feet on the floor. Lift your chest and head upward, hold for 3-5 seconds, and gently lower yourself, returning to the floor.
Physiotherapy Exercise #2: Prone Leg Lifts
Prone leg lifts are the reverse of the cobra. With a cobra, you lift your upper body. With a leg lift, you’re going to keep your upper body planted down, hold your legs close together and stretched out, and raise them in a continuous motion as far as you can comfortably. Hold the pose for 3-5 seconds and lower your legs back to the ground.
Physiotherapy Exercise #3: Cat Lift
A cat lift and arch are two of the best back pain exercises. They work well for lower back and mid-back pain, helping to get circulation in this part of the body and warming up the muscles. Let’s start with a simple cat lift. To do a cat lift, an individual gets on all fours and bends their back inward. Lift your neck and feel a stretch in your lower back.
Physiotherapy Exercise #4: Cat Arch
A cat lift is usually paired with a cat arch, and they are done one after the other. So next up, a cat arch will be bending your back outward and upward, arching it and feeling the stretch in your neck and upper back. Hold this pose for 3-5 seconds and return to a cat lift. Repeat the cat lift-into-arch at least twice.
Physiotherapy Exercise #5: Toe Touches
Toe touches are easy for some but more difficult for others. Do your best. Stand up straight with arms outstretched overhead. Bend slightly backward, feeling a bit of a pull in your lower back. Then, bend forward down to your toes. Repeat this slowly up to ten times while maintaining strength in your core. Do what you can to comfortably sink into the pose.
Physiotherapy Exercise #6: Modified Plank
A modified plank will strengthen your core. Your core wraps around the body, helping your lower back perform and, in time, resolving pain in this area. To perform this modified plank, lie down flat on your stomach. Lift your butt with your upper body resting on your elbows and root your knees in the ground. Squeeze your core muscles and hold for 30 seconds if you can. Then lower.
Physiotherapy Exercise #7: Bridges
Bridges are another way to build strength in your core. This time, lay flat on your back. Take your arms and stretch them out by your side. Lift your hips off the floor until your head to your knees is in a straight line. Hold for 5-10 seconds and slowly lower. Repeat 2-3 times. This is an exercise that’s easily modified. You can hold for longer or do more reps. This will help repair your lower back.
Physiotherapy Exercise #8: Side Twists
Side twists are a somewhat more advanced physiotherapy stretch and exercise and one that should be taken carefully. Lie on your back, arms to your side. Bend your knees to one side while turning your body in the opposite direction. Do so slowly and get in on the stretch. You’re essentially wringing the body, helping to cure lower back aches and side back aches. Hold for 10-15 seconds and then return to a neutral position. Then, do a side twist on the other side.
Physiotherapy Exercise #9: Bird Dog Stretch
Bird dog stretches are an exercise that goes by several names. They’re an exercise that can be easily pushed too far as well. Get on all fours. This will stretch out all the muscles in your lower back. Lift your left leg first and stretch it backwards. Then, steadying yourself, stretch your right arm forward in a straight line from your fingertips to your toes. Hold for 5 seconds, lower, and then repeat on the other side. Do this a few times. When you get stronger, you can build up to holding the position for 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, and then 25 seconds.
Physiotherapy Exercise #10: Hip Stretch
A basic hip stretch will open up your hips and also help your lower back in a big way. To stretch your hips, kneel on your left knee. Place your right foot forward and bend the right knee. Hold your left foot and gently pull it up. Repeat on the other side. This should alleviate tightness in the hips and lower back.